Bali Vacations: Ayana Resort and Spa - Spa
Home > Bali Vacations > Ayana Resort and Spa - Spa
We absolutely LOVED the spa at the Ayana Resort and Spa. This facility has been rated as one of the best spas in Asia and we can see why.
On our first day our
villa butler booked us to use the worlds largest Thalassotherapy pool - the Aquatronic Pool and a massage.
We were told you would need at least 2 hours for the Aquatronic pool and didn't believe them. Boy were we wrong!
The staff are amazing. They are completely of service to you, and will guide you through any part of a treatment or this pool. We were asked to take a shower, then we started at station 1. This was where we walked against a current over soft stones to "warm up". We then proceeded to station 2 where we swam against a current. We were worried maybe this wasn't too relaxing after all! We had nothing to worry about, after this warm up, each station was a massage station.
Each station lasted about 2 minutes and the massage started with our ankles at the first station, then the next station moved up our legs to our calves, thighs etc. Then we moved on to our back, shoulders etc. If you plan it right you can move to the massage beds overlooking the ocean at sunset. That would have been beautiful!
It was AWESOME! But I have to tell you that you probably don't need a massage after it, although that is what we did.
Massages and Treatments
We had 2 massages while we were staying at the
Ayana Resort and Spa. We loved the first one so much that we had it a second time.
Warren chose the Hot Shell Massage, and I had the Balinese (hey when in Rome). I have had massages on cruise ships, in expensive spas, in Thailand and so many other places, and I can honestly say that this was the best massage I have ever had. Warren agreed.
The best part of this facility is that the treatments and massages are so varied. If you are willing to spend the money then you can choose to have a massage or treatment "on the rocks" which is in the gazebo right by the water.

Some treatments you can choose from include:
- Underwater massage
- The Amazing Jade treatment
- an Aroma Sensation
- Wine and Shine Body Treatment
- Sea, Sand and Shell Body treatment
- Lava Stone reflexology
- Collagen Facial
- Anti Oxidant Facial
- and many more....
Even if you don't stay at the Ayana, it is worth visiting their spa.
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